a hard day at work/ playing god
a man in my office says we’re in end times and I’m
prone to believe him because take a look around. Just
the other day, I knelt half a foot deep in pine needles,
acorns, & trash to bring the sister of Jesus back to life.
meanwhile, the dealer on the bench in the back corner
of the park watched the entire event as she dug into
her stash to ready a supply to bring alive again girl's
high back. what are second third fourth ninety eighth
chances worth when we can’t hear the song because
our ears are buzzing too loud from all the trauma.
what is it all worth when everything is terrifying,
everything hurts, when all we do is numb it. what does
it matter if someone else cares for our life if we don’t
want it. where is hope cultivated in the intersection of
faith & western medicine. what is the point of
preserving the biology of a human life if we are not
also nurturing their soul. they say to focus on the one
in front of you. that we do good for the one starfish
we throw back. fuck that. Jesus was crucified as a
rebel leader. if we're not flipping the tables of every
performative system designed to keep a human
oppressed, impoverished, desperate, forgotten,
radiating with pain on all levels, what are we doing
this for. are we preventing the redemption we preach
each week by fighting so hard to preserve mortality
alone, or are we creating space for grace with each life